Monday, April 6, 2009

Boys in Dresses

I love boys in dresses.
When I learned that Boy George was indeed homosexual, I made an automatic assumption that boys who enjoyed dresses enjoyed other boys. I was not aware that crossdressers are often straight; this was something I would learn much later. In the mean time, I talked quite a few straight boys into allowing me to dress them up by explaining that it turned me on to make out with a girl and make love to a man.
My ex-husband was one of those men.
He was game for anything that put me into overdrive sexually. I made an 82nd airborne seargent into a really pretty flower. He took one look and went pale beneath the makeup. He asked if I was done and quickly took it all off. It was too much for him.
Later I learned why.
Mark and I made a lot of visits to his hometown in Jacksonville, Florida. His family was colorful, warm and recieving. I was particularly fond of his Grandmother and her husband, Larkin. While Larkin would show Mark his latest finds in the world of politics, gardening or vitamins, his Grandmother would invite me into her fancy sitting room and share chapters of her life with me.
One afternoon, she told me that Mark looked just like his Grandfather, her first husband whom she called Sport. "Sport was a nice enough guy...he was just a pervert."
She went on to explain that a few years after they were married, she came home to find him dressed in her undergarments. Her shock seemed to ignite a vicious thrill in him and for years, he would refuse to change before the children came home from school unless she would do what he asked. What he wanted often involved watching her have sex with other men while he hid out in the closet wearing her bra and panties; insisting that she keep the used condoms for him. She said, "I don't even want to know what he did with those condoms..."
She believed his inability to be a female drove him to very sadistic places. When her youngest daughter entered high school, she got a job; something Sport had always forbid her to do. Later she divorced him and found love in her boss at the department store, Larkin. They had been together ever since. Sport went on to marry two more times and died alone in the late 80's. After his death, Mark found a note that read, "I still love you, Letha."
Larkin had a son from a previous marriage. Allen was clumsy and full of energy. He just couldn't sit still. Letha pulled out her old guitar and taught him some chords which he picked up quickly. He later wrote this song as seen in this performance.


chrissieB said...

Allen Collins....

Yeah, that name brings back fond memories. I was a big fan of the band back then (in another life I was a heavy metal 'biker, from 74 to 79).

He survived the plane crash and a real bad car crash too, but died of injuries from the car smash some time later.

What a legacy to leave, though... A true Rock and Roll classic.


The Crossdresser's Girlfriend said...

Allen was in loads of car crashes. When his wife died due to pregnancy complications (they had two girls-Allen wanted a son and pressed her for one more despite her reservations), he just kind of spiraled out of control. In truth, he died of a broken heart and from all reports, it was a huge heart.

♥♥♥♥♥ Jennifer™® ♥♥♥♥♥ said...

su blog es muy bueno .....................

chrissieB said...

Sí. ¡Joni es tanto diversión y tan atractivo!

luv chrissie